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About Our
Women's Ranger Program.

In 2000, the Spinifex People nominated Pila Nguru (Aboriginal Corporation) as their registered native title body corporate to hold their native title rights and interests on trust on their behalf.


Pila Nguru supports the Spinifex People's aspirations for cultural and natural heritage management by facilitating intergenerational transfer of cultural knowledge.


The Spinifex Native Title determination in 2000 was the first determination of native title in Western Australia following the commencement of the operation of the Native Title Act. The Federal Court recognised the exclusive native title rights and interests of the Spinifex people.


For more information on our Native Title role as a PBC visit the Central Desert Native Title Services website here!


Further information is available online at:

Mens Ranger Program.

Womens Ranger Program.


Copyright: Pila Nguru Aboriginal Corporation 2015.

ICN: 3731   ABN: 86789767972
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